Study in Wuxi


Study in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province




Location: located between north latitude 3107' - 3200', east longitude 11931' - 12036'; situated in the middle of the Yangtze Delta, Taihu Plain southeast of Jiangsu province; the Yangtze River to the north and Taihu Lake south;183 kilometers away from Nanjing, 128 kilomenters from Shanghai

Neighboring Areas: Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong provinces and Shanghai Municipality

Physical Features: mainly plain terrain, dotted with low mountain and hills

Population: 4.32 million

Nationalities: Han, Hui and Manchu

Area: 4,650 sq km

Climatic Features: subtropical monsoon maritime climate; mild and humid with 4 distinct seasons; long frost-free period of 230 days, enough sunshine of 2000 hours annually

Average Temperature: annual average of 15.5C
Rainfall: average annual of 1000 mm

Mountains: Mt. Xishan, Mt. Huisha, Mt. Junzhang, Mt. Maji

Rivers: the Yangtze River; Taihu Lake; Jinghang Canal


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