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Scholarship for Bachelor Majors
By shirly on 2020-12-04

Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province

1. Bachelor Majors in English:

Civil Engineering

Traffic Engineering

 Electrical Engineering and Automation

 Vehicle Engineering

2. Fees: 

Tuition fee: 16000RMB/Y

 Accommodation fee: 200/Month


3. Scholarship:

First and second year: 10000RMB

Third and Fourth year: 2000RMB-10000RMBdepends on students’ performances


4. Application materials:

1.     Valid passport(over 18 months’ availability)

2.     The Officially Certified Certificates of the Highest Diploma

3.     Copy of your final degree transcript

4.     English language proficiency certificate (non-English speaking countries)

5.     Non-criminal examination(if you have)

6.     Financial statement(At least 50,000 RMB in deposits)

7.     The physical examination

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