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Scholarship for All Programs in Zhengzhou Henan Province!!!
By shirly on 2020-03-16

LocationZhengzhou, Henan province


1 Financial Aid

Tuition Fee is free. Other fees shoul pay yourself.

1.1 Application Fee: 600 CNY

1.2 Accommodation Fee:

single room: 960 CNY/ month

Standard Twin Room: 480 CNY/ month

2  Eligibility

2.1 Applicant should be non-Chinese citizen, healthy, and without any criminal records.

2.2 Applicant should abide by Chinese laws, regulations, and university’s regulations.

2.3 Applicant should have good attitude toward learning, and have obtained good achievements in their previous studies.

2.4 Education background and age limit

2.4.1 Applicants for bachelor and three-year college programs must hold a high school diploma and be generally under the age of 30.

2.4.2 Applicants for master’s program must hold bachelor's degree, or must hold three-year college degree more than 2 years, and be under the age of 40.

2.4.3 Applicants for doctoral program must hold a master's degree and be under the age of 45.

2.4.4 Applicants for Chinese language program must hold a high school diploma and be under the age of 55.

2.4.5 Applicants for general scholar program, advanced scholar program and research scholar program must be under the age of 45.

The age limit can be extended under certain circumstances.

3 Application Documents

Applicants must complete and submit authentic application documents listed below

3.1 Application Form for Henan Government Scholarship filled in Chinese or English. (Please filling it online)

3.2 Certified certificate or notarized copy of highest diploma (for the applicants in school or working, they should submit student certificate or employment certificate). Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be accompanied by notarized copies of the translation in either of these two languages.

3.3 Applicants for diploma or degree’s program should provide the original transcripts of their previous study. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be accompanied by notarized copies of the translation in either of these two languages.

3.4 Applicants for associate bachelor’s programs, bachelor’s programs, and scholar programs must provide a study plan in Chinese or English with a minimum of 400 words.

3.5 Applicants for master’s programs, and doctoral programs must provide:

3.5.1 A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English with a minimum of 600 words, and 800 words respectively.

3.5.2 Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors.

3.6 Applicants for music studies, fine arts studies and other art related programs are requested to submit original work according to the school requirements.

3.7 Official recognized report of Chinese or English language proficiency tests or equivalent language ability certificate.

3.8 Certified certificates or notarized copies of Physical Examination Record for Foreigner and Blood Test Report completed in Chinese or English.

3.9 Certified certificate or notarized copy of non-criminal record. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be accompanied by notarized copies of the translation in either of these two languages.

3.10 For the applicants under the age of 18, Letter of Authorization or Guardian Book inChinaauthorized by Chinese embassies in other countries must be submitted.

3.11 Pre-admission notice.

3.12 Copy of valid passport (the page including personal information and photo) and China visa page if have been toChina.


4 Application Deadline

The end of April 


5 Majors:

Bachelor: NursingComputer Science and TechnologyTraditional Chinese MedicineAcupuncture,Moxibustion and Tuina(5-year)Clinical Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine(5-year)Rehabilitation TherapyChinese Materia MedicaPharmacyPharmaceutical PreparationPreventive MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine Resources and DevelopmentChinese Medicine PharmaceuticsPharmaceutical EngineeringMedical Imaging TechnologyMedical Laboratory TechnologyApplied PsychologyBioengineeringPublic sevice Management(Health Insurance)Public Service Management(Health Business Management)MarketingComputer Science and TechnologyCulture Industry ManagementSoftware EngineeringInformation Management and Information SystemInternational Chinese  Education

MasterAcupuncture,Moxibustion and TuinaDiagnostics of Chinese MedicineSurgery of Chinese MedicineChinese Internal MedicineClinical Foundation of Chinese MedicineOrthopaedics and Traumatology of TCMGynecology of TCMPediatrics of TCMOphthalmology, Otolaryngology and Stomatology of Chinese MedicineRehabilitation TherapyFormulas of Chinese MedicineChinese Materia Medica 

DoctoralBasic Theories of TCMClinical Foundation of Chinese MedicineFormulas of Chinese MedicineChinese Internal MedicineSurgery of Chinese MedicineGynecology of TCMPediatrics of TCMAcupuncture, Moxibustion and TuinaChinese Materia Medica 


If you want to apply, please feel free to contact Shirly for more details:


Tel: 0086-15857187587

Whatsapp: 8615068158042

Facebook: Shirly Guo

Twitter: Shilry81054676

Instagram: guo.shirly

Wechat: CUECC2

skype: teachcn


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