Location: Fujian province
Program Application
Bachelor/master/doctor degree programs (bilingualteaching) applicants should be at least 18-year-old and have HSK3/HSK4 certificates.
Chinese language courses (Non-degree) are open to learners of all ageswith/without HSK certificates.
This University grants the scholar-ships to outstanding international students who apply for master or doctor degree programs. If their applications are approved, students can take their courses with it’s financial support. The details are listed in Implementation Rules of Scholarship for Outstanding International Students applying for master or doctor degree programs in this University and can also be found in related web page of it. International students in this university can also apply for scholarships granted by Fujian Provincial government.
专业名称 | 学制(年) | 核心课程 | 授课语言 | 学费(元/年) |
汉语言文学(师范) Chinese Language and Literature (Teacher Education) | 四 | 古代汉语(Ancient Chinese)、 中国古代文学(Chinese Ancient Literature)、现代汉语(Modern Chinese)、写作(Writing) | 汉语 | 15000 |
汉语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature | 四 | 古代汉语(Ancient Chinese)、 中国古代文学(Chinese Ancient Literature)、现代汉语(Modern Chinese)、写作(Writing) | 汉语 | 15000 |
汉语国际教育 Chinese International Education | 四 | 古代汉语(Ancient Chinese)、 中国古代文学(Chinese Ancient Literature)、现代汉语(Modern Chinese)、写作(Writing) | 汉语 | 15000 |
广播电视学 Broadcasting and Television | 四 | 广播电视新闻采编(Radio And Television News Interviewing And Editing)、写作学(Writing) | 汉语 | 15000 |
编辑出版学 Editorial and Publishing Science | 四 | 中国编辑出版史(The History of Editing and Publishing in China)、出版学概论(Introduction of Publishing Theory)、传播学(Communication)、编辑学基本原理(Basic Principles of Redactology) | 汉语 | 15000 |
广告学 Advertising | 四 | 传播学(Communication)、市场营销学(Marketing)、社会学概论(Introduction to Sociology)、广告调查与统计分析(Advertising Survey and Statistical Analysis) | 汉语 | 15000 |
广播电视编导 Radio and TV Directing | 四 | 影视多媒体技术概论(Introduction to Film and Television Multimedia Technology)、数字媒体制作技术(Digital Media Production Technology) | 汉语 | 15000 |
英语(师范) English(Teacher Education) | 四 | 综合英语(Comprehensive English)、英语听力(English Listening)、英语语音(English Phonetics)、语法(Grammar) | 汉语 | 15000 |
商务英语 Business English | 四 | 商务英语(Business English)、国际商务(International Business)、商务英语笔译(Business English Translation)、国际贸易实务(International Trade Practice) | 汉语 | 15000 |
翻译 Translation | 四 | 翻译信息技术(Translation Information Technology)、翻译理论与实践(Translation Theory and Practice)、英语口译(English Interpreting)、翻译与文化(Translation and Culture) | 汉语 | 15000 |
日语 Japanese | 四 | 基础日语(Basic Japanese)、高级日语(Advanced Japanese)、贸易日语(Trade Japanese)、商务日语口译(Business Japanese Interpretation) | 汉语 | 15000 |
思想政治教育(师范) Ideological and Political Education (Teacher Education) | 四 | 马克思主义哲学原理(Principle of Marxist Philosophy)、马克思主义政治经济学(Marxist Political Economics)、思想政治教育学原理(Principles of Ideological and Political Education)、微格教学(Mathematical Microteaching ) | 汉语 | 15000 |
政治学与行政学 Politics and Administration | 四 | 政治学原理(Political Science Principle)、公共行政学概论(Introduction to Public Administration)、中国政治思想史(History of Chinese Political Thought)、当代中国政府与政治(Contemporary Chinese Government and Politics) | 汉语 | 15000 |
法学 Law | 四 | 证据学(Evidence Law)、婚姻与家庭法(Marriage and Family Law)、侵权责任法(Tort Law)、物权法(Property Law) | 汉语 | 15000 |
社会工作 Social Work | 四 | 社会学概论(Introduction to Sociology)、社会工作导论(Introduction to Social Work)、个案工作(Case Work)、人类行为与社会环境(Human Behavior and Social Environment) | 汉语 | 15000 |
经济学 Economics | 四 | 政治经济学( Political Economics)、微观经济学(Microeconomics)、宏观经济学(Macroeconomics)、金融学(Finance) | 汉语 | 15000 |
国际经济与贸易 International Economy and Trade | 四 | 外贸函电(英)(Foreign Trade Correspondence (English))、国际贸易实务(International Trade Practice)、中国对外贸易概论(Introduction to China's Foreign Trade)、国际物流(International Logistics) | 汉语 | 15000 |
经济与金融 Economics and Finance | 四 | 金融学(Finance)、国际金融学(International Finance)、公司金融(The Company's Finance)、证券投资学(Securities Investment) | 汉语 | 15000 |
经济统计学 Economic Statistics | 四 | 统计学(Statistics)、计量经济学(Econometrics)、应用多元统计(Multivariate Statistical Application)、时间序列分析(Time Series Analysis) | 汉语 | 15000 |
旅游管理 Tourism Management | 四 | 旅游学概论(Introduction to Tourism)、旅游经济学(Tourism Economics)、服务礼仪(Service Etiquette)、旅游专业英语(Tourism Professional English) | 汉语 | 15000 |
市场营销 Marketing | 四 | 国际市场营销学(International Marketing)、市场营销学(Marketing Science)、管理学(Administration)、市场调研与预测(Market Survey and Forecasting) | 汉语 | 15000 |
人力资源管理 Human Resources Management | 四 | 绩效管理(Performance Management)、薪酬管理(Compensation Management)、人力资源管理(Human Resource Management)、招聘与录用(Recruitment and Employment) | 汉语 | 15000 |
财务管理 Financial Administration | 四 | 会计学(Accounting)、税法(Tax Law)、中级财务会计(Intermediate Financial Accounting)、税务筹划(Tax Planning) | 汉语 | 15000 |
历史学(师范) History(Teacher Education) | 四 | 中国通史·古代(Chinese General History . Ancient)、中国通史·近代(Chinese General History . Modern)、中国历史文选(Chinese Historical Anthology)、中国思想史(History of Chinese Thought) | 汉语 | 15000 |
地理科学(师范) Geography(Teacher Education) | 四 | 汉语 | 15000 | |
教育技术学(师范) Educational Technology(Teacher Education) | 四 | 教学系统设计(Instructional System Design)、Python程序设计(Python Programming)、教育电视节目编导与制作(Educational TV Teaching Materials Director and Production)、计算机网络(Computer Networks) | 汉语 | 15000 |
小学教育(师范) Primary Education(Teacher Education) | 四 | 小学教育学(Primary School Education)、小学心理学(Primary School Psychology)、汉语基础(Chinese Foundation)、小学语文教学法(Primary School Chinese Teaching Method) | 汉语 | 15000 |
学前教育(师范) Preschool Education(Teacher Education) | 四 | 学前心理学(Preschool Psychology)、学前教育学(Pre-school Pedagogy)、学前儿童保育学(Preschool Children Care)、学前儿童健康教育(Health Education for Preschool Children) | 汉语 | 15000 |
心理学(师范) Psychology(Teacher Education) | 四 | 心理统计学(Statistics for Psychology)、发展心理学(Developmental Psychology)、生理心理学(Physiological Psychology)、实验心理学(Experimental Psychology) | 汉语 | 15000 |
音乐学(师范) Musicology(Teacher Education) | 四 | 外国民族音乐(Foreign National Music)、多声部音乐分析与写作(Multi-part Musical Analysis and Writing)、乐理与视唱练耳(Music Theory and Solfeggio)、钢琴A3(Piano A3) | 汉语 | 15000 |
音乐学 Musicology | 四 | 钢琴7(Piano 7)、声乐7(Vocal Music 7)、乐器7(Musical Instruments 7 )、外国民族音乐(Foreign National Music) | 汉语 | 15000 |
美术学(师范) Fine Arts(Teacher Education) | 四 | 中国美术史(Chinese Fine Art History)、外国美术史(History of Foreign Fine Art)、素描(Sketch)、色彩(Color Painting) | 汉语 | 15000 |
公共艺术 Public Art | 四 | 设计概论(Introduction to Design)、美学(Aesthetics)、形态结构造型基础(Morphological Structure Modeling Foundation0、创意与设计色彩(Creative and Design Color) | 汉语 | 15000 |
数学与应用数学(师范) Mathematics and Applied Mathematics(Teacher Education) | 四 | 数学分析(Mathematical Analysis)、常微分方程(中文或双语)(Ordinary Differential Equation (English))、解析几何(Analytic Geometry)、概率论(Probability Theory) | 汉语 | 15000 |
数学与应用数学 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics | 四 | 证券投资学(Security Analysis and Investment)、金融统计学与软件应用课程实践(Practical Course of Finance Statistics and Software Applications)、高等代数(Advanced Algebra)、解析几何(Analytic Geometry) | 汉语 | 15000 |
信息与计算科学 Information and Computational Science | 四 | 数学分析(Mathematical Analysis)、解析几何(Analytic Geometry)、概率论(Probability Theory)、算法与数据结构课程实践(Practical Course of Algorithm and Data Structure) | 汉语 | 15000 |
统计学 Statistics | 四 | 抽样调查(Sampling Survey)、实用回归分析(Practical Regression Analysis)、统计软件课程实践(Practical Course of Statistics Software)、统计软件(Statistical Software) | 汉语 | 15000 |
计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology | 四 | 编译原理(Compiler Principle)、操作系统(Operating System)、计算机网络(Computer Network)、计算机组成原理(Principle of Computer Component) | 汉语 | 15000 |
网络工程 Network Engineering | 四 | 网络安全与防御(Network Security and Defense)、网络协议基础(Network Protocol Fundamentals)、计算机网络(Computer Network)、Linux系统与网络编程(LINUX System and Network Programming) | 汉语 | 15000 |
软件工程 Software Engineering | 四 | 软件项目管理(Software Project Management)、软件系统设计与体系结构(Software System Design and Architecture)、软件工程概论(Introduction to Software Engineering) | 汉语 | 15000 |
物理学(师范) Physics(Teacher Education) | 四 | 量子力学(Quantum Mechanics)、热力学与统计物理(Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics)、电动力学(Electrodynamics)、理论力学(Theoretical Mechanics) | 汉语 | 15000 |
光电信息科学与工程 Photoelectric Information Science and Engineering | 四 | 光电检测技术(Photoelectric Detection Technology)、光电检测实验(Experiment of Photoelectric Detection)、信号与系统(Signals and System)、激光原理与实验(Laser Principle and Experiment) | 汉语 | 15000 |
电子信息科学与技术 Electronic Information Science and Technology | 四 | 电路原理(Circuit Principle)、数字电子技术基础(Digital Electronic Technology Basic)、模拟电子技术基础(Analog Electronic Technology Basic)、信号与系统(Signals and System) | 汉语 | 15000 |
电气工程及其自动化 Electrical Engineering and Automation | 四 | 自动控制原理(Automatic Control Principle)、电机与拖动(Electrical Machine and Drive)、供配电技术(Power Supply Technology)、电力电子技术(Power Electronic Technology) | 汉语 | 15000 |
电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering | 四 | 电路原理(Circuit Principle)、数字电子技术基础(Digital Electronic Technology Basic)、模拟电子技术基础(Analog Electronic Technology Basic)、信号与系统(Signals and System) | 汉语 | 15000 |
化学(师范) Chemistry(Teacher Education) | 四 | 无机化学(Inorganic Chemistry)、有机化学(Organic Chemistry)、分析化学(Analytical Chemistry)、物理化学(Physical Chemistry) | 汉语 | 15000 |
科学教育(师范) Science Education(Teacher Education) | 四 | 科学技术哲学(Philosophy of Science and Technology)、科学课程与教学论(Science Curriculum and Teaching Theory)、地球宇宙科学(Earth Space Science)、微生物学及实验(Microbiology and Experiments) | 汉语 | 15000 |
应用化学 Applied Chemistry | 四 | 化工原理(Principles of Chemical Engineering)、化学反应工程(Chemical Reaction Engineering)、化学工艺学(Chemical Technology)、仪器分析(Instrumental Analysis) | 汉语 | 15000 |
环境科学 Environmental Science | 四 | 环境学(Environmental Science)、环境化学(Environmental Chemistry)、环境监测(Environmental Chemistry Experiments)、环境质量及评价(Environmental Quality and Evaluation) | 汉语 | 15000 |
环境工程 Environmental Engineering | 四 | 环境学(Environmental Science)、环境化学(Environmental Chemistry)、环境监测(Environmental Chemistry Experiments)、大气污染控制工程(Air Pollution Control Engineering) | 汉语 | 15000 |
生物科学(师范) Biological Science(Teacher Education) | 四 | 人体解剖生理学(Anatomy and Physiology of Human Body)、人体解剖生理学实验(Human Anatomy and Physiology Experiment)、遗传学(Genetics)、遗传学实验(Genetics Experiment) | 汉语 | 15000 |
园艺 Horticulture | 四 | 园艺通论(Gardening General Theory)、园艺植物组织培养(Gardening Plant Tissue Culture)、园艺植物组织培养实验(Tissue Culture and Experiment of Horticultural Plants)、花卉学(Floriculture) | 汉语 | 15000 |
园林 Landscape Gardening | 四 | 园林生态学(Landscape Ecology)、园林设计(Landscape Design)、园林植物景观规划设计(Landscape Plant Planning and Design)、园林建筑设计(Landscape Architecture Design) | 汉语 | 15000 |
食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering | 四 | 食品贮藏与保鲜实验(Food Storage and Preservation Experiment)、果蔬加工实验(Fruit and Vegetable Processing Experiment)、水产品加工实验(Aquatic Products Processing Experiment)、烘烤加工实验(Baking Experiment) | 汉语 | 15000 |
食品质量与安全 Food Quality and Safety | 四 | 食品营养学(Food Nutrition)、食品生物化学(Food Biochemistry)、食品微生物学(Food Microbiology)、食品化学(Food Chemistry) | 汉语 | 15000 |
体育教育(师范) Physical Education (Teacher Education) | 四 | 篮球(Basketball)、体育社会学(Sports Sociology)、体育心理学(Sport Psychology)、武术(Martial Art) | 汉语 | 15000 |
社会体育指导与管理 Guidance and Management of Social Sport | 四 | 篮球(Basketball)、社区体育(Community Sports)、体育科学研究方法(Sports Science Research Method)、网球(Tennis) | 汉语 | 15000 |
Application Materials
pay attention to
Scanned copy of Foreigner’s physical examination report.
Scanned copy of Graduation certificate.
Scanned copy of Transcript.
Scanned copy of HSK certificate. (Language learners need not to provide.)
Scanned copy of Passport.
Scanned copy of Proof of economic capability.
Scanned copy of Recommendation letter. (Language learners need not to provide.)
Scanned copy of Police clearence.
Files which can prove an applicant’s comprehensive abilities, such as certificates of awards. These can be handed in with the above materials at the same time(The university will give priority to such applicants).
paid by RMB on an annual basis at the moment of registration
If you want to apply, please feel free to contact Shirly for more details:
Tel: 0086-15857187587
Whatsapp: 8615068158042
Facebook: Shirly Guo
Twitter: Shilry81054676
Instagram: guo.shirly
Wechat: CUECC2
skype: teachcn
Hangzhou Jiaoyu Science and Technology Co.LTD.
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