University profile
With the development of eight years, the International College of Hunan Agricultural University has established a stable cooperative relationship with overseas universities, such as University of Greenwich in the United Kingdom, Brock University in Canada and University of South Australia in Australia. The main cooperative educational programs ratified by Ministry of Education in China include Undergraduate Education Program on Biological Science with University of Greenwich, Education Program on Business Administration and Accounting with University of Greenwich, Credit Transfer Program with Brock University and University of South Australia, etc. The Administration Office in charge of the operation of joint program has been set up to supervise and ensure teaching quality, to provide consultation and guide of studying abroad for students.
Educational objective offered by International College is to train students to be international, inter-disciplinary and knowledge-applied talents by means of introducing the advantageous educational resources like teaching staff, curriculum, teaching mode and methodology from university abroad.
The International College is respected among similar colleges for the excellence of its teaching and research. At present, the number of staff working full- time or part-time in our college is fifty-five, all of whom have high educational background. The strong teaching staff consists of bilingual lecturers and teachers with overseas experience and advanced teaching ideas as well as methods, which ensures satisfactory teaching quality for students to be provided with excellent studying resources and service in International College. Besides, there are 4 or 5 foreign teachers who come from UK, USA, Canada, Australia, etc to teach students oral English in a multi-cultural communicative environment. In this way, students are prepared well to adjust themselves before they study and live abroad.
Since the foundation of International College in 2003, it has enrolled students for eight years. The percentage for those students who had graduated in the last five years, achieved at least 70 in terms of IELTS pass, 100 in terms of visa pass and 100 in terms of employment rate. By the end of 2010, more than two hundreds students have gone to study abroad and been awarded with Bachelor’s degree. Furthermore, most of them continued their overseas study for Master’s degree and Doctor’s degree, among which there have been more than one hundred students have won their Master’s degree. A great many graduates are highly employed in such countries as the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and such big cities in China as Beijing, Shanghai with a wide range of working areas like banking, security exchanges, publishing, business trading and so on.
In April 2006, a representative group from the Ministry of Education, the People’s Republic of China came to International College for inspection and acceptance of the joint education program between Hunan Agricultural University and University of Greenwich. High appraisal was made on the program operation, such as the education philosophy, leadership, academic staff and teaching quality. In May 2007, members from the Department of Education in Hunan Province inspect and investigate the cooperative program in the college. The inspection team was satisfied with great achievement made by the college. In May 2009, staff from the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges in the Ministry of Education paid a visit to International College and made a high evaluation on it for its normalization and characterization in running the joint education program. Furthermore, the Undergraduate Education Cooperation Program on Biological Science between University of Greenwich and Hunan Agricultural University was ratified by the Ministry of Education, which is among 20 joint education programs approved by Ministry of Education for the first time during these years and is the only approved undergraduate joint program in Hunan Province.
Business Administration
Food Science and Engineering
Environmental Science Programmes
Agriculture and Forestry Economics and Management
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