Yichun University has been enrollinginternational students since 2006. All the students have received systematictraining and by their hard work most of them have earned Bachelor’s Degree. Alarge number of students of the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgeryprogram (MBBS) have passed the examination of Practitioner qualificationcertificate in their own countries. YU has abundant teaching resources andquality teaching and scientific research strength which guarantee that thestudents can receive the best theoretical and practical knowledge. On thisbeautiful campus you can also feel the great learning atmosphere from everycorner of the campus.
YU provides international students withexcellent accommodation and facilities to ensure that they have the beststudying condition. All the international students are not only qualified toapply Jiangxi Provincial Government Scholarship, but also have the opportunityto apply the special scholarship offered by YU.
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Hangzhou Jiaoyu Science and Technology Co.LTD.
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