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Christmas Traditions in the World

by Stella on 2015-12-24 17:23:36

To all students and teachers,

In this special time of the year, on behalf of Study-in-China Org,, currently named as China University and Education Consulting Center (CUECC),, and its staffs, I wish you all  a Merry Christamas and Happy New Year!

It is said that good luck and health will come with an apple at the Christmas Eve. Such Christmas traditions varies from country to country. 

Czech Republic: Shoe Tossing

Single women test their chances of marriage in the coming year by throwing a single shoe over their shoulder. If the toe points towards the front door, then there shall be wedding bells!

Haiti: A Shoe Full of Straw

Children place straw-filled shoes underneath the Christmas tree in the hope that Santa will remove the shoe and leave presents in its place.

Italy: Fancy Pants

Both men and women alike wear colourful underwear on New Year's Eve to bring good luck for the year ahead. Those hoing to get lucky should also ensure they are clean!

Ukraine: A Spider's Kindness

Upon hearing a widow's lament that she could not afford to decorate her Christmas tree, the spiders spun their beautiful webs all around the tree. These days a spider is hidden on the tree for good luck. Some believe that tinsel has its root in this tale.

Poland: Drawing Straws

During Wigilia, the Christmas Eve Supper, straw would be placed underneath a stable cloth to symbolise the birth of Jesus in the manger. Guests take it in turns to remove a piece of straw: green symbolises luck or a marriage, and yellow symbolises another year of singledom.

Greece: A Burning Branch

In Thessaly, boys will place a cedar branch, and girls a white cherry branch, over the fire. The branch which burns the fastest is seen as a sign of good luck --- and an impending marriage.

Philippines: A Ball of Cheese

After Midnight Mass loved ones get together to enjoy a huge feast known as "Noche Buena". The king among the delicacies is "kesi de bola", a ball of cheese covered in wax.

Finland: Molten Tins

On New Year's Day, people gather to pour molten tin into buckets of cold water. The resulting shapes are used to predict the future. Hearts and rings are sought after by those looking for love!


Sweden: An Almond in the Pudding

Whoever finds the almond within the Ris a la Malta (rice pudding) shall marry within the year. Happy singletons should choose their bowl with care!


Portugal: Gone but Never Forgotten

During Cosoda, the traditional Christmas morning feast, an extra seat is set at the table so that teh spirits of the departed can join the festivities. Similar traditions take place around the world.

Mexico: Night of the Radishes

On the 23rd of December, in the city of Oaxaca, families come together to carve nativity figures out of the humble radish. The finest are put on displaying in the town square.

UK: A Kiss Beneath the Mistletoe

A Druid symbol of the fertility, a kiss beneath the mistletoe became popularised in 18th Century England. Its magic continues to be felt at Christmas parties across the world!

Greenland: A Well Deserved Rest

Traditionally, Christmas Eve is the only day when Inuit men would wait on their wives, carrying out their every need. But it doesn't last long; as soon as Christmas morning came round it would be another year before the Inuit women could expect to be brought a nice cup of tea.

Austria: A Cherry Blooms

On the 4th day of December, St Barbara's day, a single cherry twig is placed in a glass of water. If it blooms before Christmas Eve then good luck and a marriage are likely to follow!


USA: A Pickle on the Tree

Many Stateside Christmas trees features an odd decoration---a pickle. The tradition is believed to stem from the Civil War, when Private John C.Lower, fearing starvation on Christmas Eve, begged his captor for one. He was convinced that the act of mercy saved his life, and thus the tradition was born.


Belarus: The Rooster Decides

Piles of corn are placed at the feet of unmarried women before a rooster is let loose. Whoever's pile the rooster picks shall be the next to marry.


Japan: A Dinner for Two at KFC

The Japanese treat Christmas much like Valentine's Day and the most popular way for lover's to celefrate is at KFC. In fact, it's so popular that reservations are compulsory!

Venezuela: Get Your Skates on

Families and loved ones spend the early mornings in the week before Christmas roller-skating to Misa de Aguinaldo (early morning mass). Roads are even closed to provide a safe journey!

Catalonia: The Christmas Log

The Caga Tio is a cheerful behatted log character that Catalans "feed" with sweets during the fornight before Christmas. But come Christmas Eve they beat him with sticks to "excrete" the treats!

Worldwide: A New Year's Kiss

Where a kiss at midnight came from remains obscure, though some sources claim it perhaps comes from the Ancient Roman Festival of Saturnalia. Regardless, amorous party goers across the world ensure the tradition remains intact!

Many China universities will decorate their campus for Christmas week! Do you want to know how Chinese people celebrate Christmas at campus these days? Then come to China now! If any information you need to know for study in China, here below is our contact.


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