Campus Notices

‘Nice to Meet You’ Emotional Intelligence Workshop Was Held Last Friday

by jiangsu unievrsity on 2017-03-31 19:18:31

Starting  at 3:30 pm,  OEC held  an emotional intelligence workshop on the  24th of March. It was held  at the Overseas  Students  Restaurant.  Ms Yin  responsible for psychology  counseling  at OEC was  hosting   the  event. OEC  freshmen , senior overseas students and Chinese MBBS students participated in  this event.

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The  workshop started with an ‘ice-break’ mini-game  called ‘ Attraction’.  Second was  an interactive game where we were to find among ourselves someone who did  something on the forms we were given. Third was  a problem solving game that needs intense teamwork. A new  student shared his experience of cultural shock.

The event  ended with Ms Yin concluding the essence of communication and dealing with  day-to-day stressors. Those games and interactions were designed to help  students develop communication skills and exchange positive energy.

It was a  very interactive event and a relaxing time where the atmosphere was very  cordial.


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